Young Carers Leaders at Haydon Abbey
Mrs Lynette Williamson
Mrs Silka Pawelczyk
What is a Young Carer?
A Young carer is: -
- between the ages of 5-16 years old
- cares for a family member within the home (parent/sibling/other relative)
The young person cares for someone with at least one of the following:
- a physical disability (including sensory impairment)
- a learning disability
- a long-term illness, with clear diagnosis
- a terminal illness
- a mental illness, with clear diagnosis
- drug or alcohol dependency
- or who is elderly
Their caring role has a direct impact upon or affects at least one of the following:
- social inclusion
- educational opportunities and achievement
- their emotional wellbeing
- their physical wellbeing
- family relationships
How To Identify A Young Carer
Each young carer is unique however there may be some identifying features which may bring caring responsibilities to the attention of professionals.
- Anxiety or concern over a relative
- A need or desire to be in regular contact with home
- Regularly late to school or absent
- Secretive about their home life
- Often tired, distracted withdrawn or anxious
- Low self esteem and self confidence
- Poor relationship with peers, can be isolated or a victim of bullying
- May take on a caring role for others
- May demonstrate confidence when interacting with adults
- Outbursts or amplified responses
YC Trip to Climb Quest in MK & Thomley Hall
And an assembly led by Laura Troll from Carers Bucks as part of Young Carers awareness