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Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School

We plant the seeds and help them grow

Local Offer

Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School

Educational Needs Regulation

Annual Report 2024


Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School is an inclusive school. We strive to support all children to enable them to achieve their best.


The type of SEND provision that Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School caters for is:


Any child aged 3 -11 (from aged 2 if meeting entry requirements for Haydon Abbey Pre-School) that has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:


• has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or


• has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools

(Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years, January 2015)


Children and young people who have SEN who may have a disability under the Equality Act 2010 – that is ‘…a physical or mental impairment which has a long-term and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’.


There are four main areas of need that we cater for at our school:


· Communication and interaction.

· Cognition and learning.

· Social, emotional and mental health.

· Sensory and/or physical.


Some pupils may have needs that fall into more than one category.


Roles and Responsibilities


The people responsible for the co-ordination of the school’s SEND provision are Mrs Silka Pawelczyk the Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo), Mrs Liz Jones SENDCo, and Lynette Williamson, SEN Teacher and SENDCo.


It is the responsibility of the SEND Co-ordinator:


· to oversee the day-to-day operation of the school’s SEND policy

· to coordinate provision for children with special educational needs

· to liaise with and advise fellow teachers

· to manage LSAs

· to oversee the records of all children with special educational needs

· to liaise with parents of children with special educational needs

· to contribute to the in-service training of staff

· to advise the Governing body through regular meetings with the SEND Governor

· to liaise with external agencies including the LEA’s support and educational psychology services,

health and social services, and voluntary bodies to ensure that the school complies with the


It is the responsibility of the Class Teacher:


· to identify a child with special educational needs and inform the SENDCo

· to draw up and review termly SEN Support Plan when necessary, in conjunction with the SENDCo, parents and/or external agencies as appropriate, to help the child access the full curriculum

· to discuss the child’s needs and school interventions with the parents and the child

· to keep records and evidence of the child’s progress

· to use Learning Support Assistant (LSA) time, where possible, to support a child 1 to 1, or as part of a group, within or out of the classroom.


It is the responsibility of the LSAs:


· to support the teacher in delivering the actions outlined on the SEN Support Plan

· to keep a record of the work they do with a pupil

· to keep the class teacher informed of progress or problems.

· to keep records and evidence of the child’s progress


It is the responsibility of the Governing Body:


· to ensure that the school has a nominated Governor who monitors the implementation of the SEND policy and commits to regular meetings with the SEND Co-ordinator

· to consult with the LA

· to monitor the school’s observance of inclusion and the Disability Discrimination Act

· to discuss SEND matters at full Governors’ meetings

· to ensure that the parents are kept informed

· to review policy arrangements.


Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School’s Approach to Teaching


At Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School, we strive to support all children to enable them to achieve at school. In order to do this many step are taken to support them through their learning journey. Quality teaching is vital; however, for some children there are occasions when further additional support is needed to help them to achieve their targets.


How do we know if a child needs extra help?


Under our SEND Policy identification criteria for SEND are:

  • Support that is additional to or different from their peers is needed to access learning within the classroom
  • Have had good access to intervention for 2 terms and expected progress has not been made
  • There is an involvement of at least one outside agency
  • A need has been identified via a screening (including Language Link)
  • There have been substantial and long-term behavioural difficulties which have impacted on their education
  • Has or is under assessment for a medical or neurodevelopmental diagnosis
  • Parents have expressed considerable concerns regarding development


How do we support children’s individual needs?


  • Each pupil’s education programme will be planned by the class teacher with support from the SENDCo. It will be differentiated accordingly to suit the pupil’s individual needs. This may include additional support from the teacher or LSA in class.
  • If a pupil has needs related to more specifics areas of their education, such as spelling, handwriting, English or maths skills etc. then they will be placed in a small focus group or spend time working 1:1 with an adult. These interventions will be run by the teacher or LSA.
  • Occasionally a pupil may need expert support from an outside agency such as an Educational Psychologist or Speech and Language Therapist. A referral will be made, with the parent’s consent, and after assessments a programme of support is usually provided to the school and parents / carers.


How do we match the curriculum to children’s individual needs?


  • When a pupil has been identified as having special needs their work will be differentiated by the class teacher to enable them to access the curriculum more easily.
  • LSAs may be allocated to work with the pupil 1:1 or a small focus group to target more specific needs.
  • If a child is identified as having a special educational need targets will be set to help them make better progress.
  • If appropriate, specialist equipment may be given to the pupil e.g. writing slopes, pen / pencil grips and easy to use scissors.


Reasonable adjustments are made as necessary to involve inclusion in school activities including extracurricular activities and clubs.


Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School’s Facilities:


Teachers modify teaching and learning as appropriate for children with Special Needs. For example they may give additional time to children to complete certain activities. In their planning, teachers ensure that they give children the opportunity to develop skills in practical aspects of the curriculum.


Teachers ensure that the work for children with special needs:


· takes account of their pace of learning and the equipment they use

· takes account of the effort and concentration needed in oral work, or when using, for example, visual aids · is adapted or offers alternative activities in those subjects where children are unable to manipulate tools or equipment, or use certain types of materials

· allows opportunities for them to take part in educational visits and other activities linked to their studies

· uses assessment techniques that reflect their individual needs and abilities

· advice is sought from specialist teachers when appropriate.


Adjustments to the Environment and Facilities


We have:

· A disabled toilet

· Ramp access to the main building and to a class in each year group

· Allocated disabled parking space

· Special pens/pencils/cutlery

· Sloping boards

· Wobble cushions


-Ear Defenders

· Ipads/Chrome Books

- Text books and reading books for the visually impaired.

- Text Books with coloured pages

-Widget Online Visuals

· Coloured overlays

· Pencil grips

· Special scissors

· Individual resource pack

-SEND Intervention rooms


School’s Training


Staff receive training appropriate to meet the specific needs of the children as well as training to include;


· Reading, writing, maths interventions

· Physical/motor co-ordination training

· Phonics

-Language Link Training



Specialist expertise is obtained by Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School seeking advice from external agencies as required, including;





Education Psychologist


Specialist Teaching Service





We offer a ‘Family Centred System’ where parents/carers and children are actively involved. The participation of the parent, to support the work that we do in school, is highly valued and parents are encouraged to contact their child’s class teacher to keep the school informed and up-to-date about their child’s needs. Appointments can also be made to speak to the SENDCo by contacting the school office. Additional to the school’s usual form of reporting to parents, parents of children with SEND have three opportunities per academic year to discuss the progress made and future provision that their child will receive. Teachers and the SENDCo will also call, email or meet with parents throughout the year, as appropriate.


The Bucks Family Information Service (BFIS) and Bucks SENDIAS provides impartial information, advice and support to parents/carers of children with special educational needs.


Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School’s Partnerships


The school’s governing body involve other bodies (incl. health, social care, BCC support services, and voluntary & community groups) to meet the needs of pupils with SEND and their families by:


· Consultation with SENDCo/Class Teacher

· Consultation with parents

· Advice

· Observation and feedback

· Work with/assessment of the pupil

· Resources

· Attend planning and review meetings


Transitions to Secondary School


To ensure a smooth transition for children with special needs to a new school we aim to:


· contact by phone the SENDCo at each school to inform them of the difficulties and needs of the pupils with SEND

· send all relevant paper work to the SENDCo of the relevant secondary school, including reports and SEN Support Plans/EHC Plans/Statements

· meet with the SENDCo/Head of Year if necessary

· have year 6 class teachers meet with a teacher representative from the receiving school

· carry out a Transition Programme during Year 6 with focus children, if required

· request the involvement of the Educational Psychology service for transitional support if required.


Links with Other Services


Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School is keen to work closely with other services that are involved with our children, including: child health services, social services, education welfare services and voluntary organisations.


Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School communicates the contact details for the support listed above to pupils with SEND and their families by:


· website

· 1:1 discussions

· Parents evening

· Planning and Review meetings

· Bucks Family Information Service Website


Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School Key Contacts


Special Education needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator:


Name: Mrs Silka Pawelczyk (Maternity Leave) Mrs Liz Jones and Mrs Lynette Williamson


Telephone: 01296 482278


The contact for compliments, concerns or complaints from parents of pupils with SEND is:


Name: Miss Ferdinand


Tel: 01296 482278


The school SEND Governor:


Name: Zhenya Price


Tel: 01296 482278


The school’s complaints policy can be found under the Key Information tab (on the website), Policies, Complaints and Resolutions Policy 


Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School’s link to the Bucks Local Offer


Information for the Local Offer for Buckinghamshire is available at


Local Offer for SEND in Buckinghamshire | Family Information Service


The Bucks Local Offer provides information and advice on Special Education Needs & Disability provision, both inside and outside the Local Authority please call 0845 688 4944 or email



