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Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School

We plant the seeds and help them grow


Introducing the Reception Team:


  • Mrs Howell - Assistant Headteacher
  • Mrs Hickman - Class Teacher
  • Miss Hill - Student Teacher
  • Mrs Wallace - Senior Learning Support Assistant 
  • Mrs Smith - Learning Support Assistant


  • Miss Davies - Class Teacher
  • Mrs Burton - Student Teacher
  • Miss Wragg - Learning Support Assistant 
  • Mrs Guiseris - Learning Support Assistant 


  • Mrs Williamson - Class Teacher
  • Mrs Gott - Learning Support Assistant 
  • Mrs McCowan - SEN Learning Support Assistant
  • Miss Vaughan - SEN Learning Support Assistant


In Reception, the children learn through a balance of both adult led activities and child-initiated play. Their curriculum is delivered in a fun, interactive way; catering for different learning styles, recognising that young children often learn best through active, hands on experiences.


The prime areas of learning are Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development. The specific areas of learning are Literacy, Maths, Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding of the World.



At Haydon Abbey, we teach the children to read systematically using Little Wandle Letters and Sounds. Children will be learning new sounds each week, which they will bring home to share with you.


They will build up their knowledge, so that they will be able to read; at first simple words, building to short sentences by the end of the year. Children will bring home a reading book that they can read fluently. We ask that you listen to them read the book, at least three times and sign to say that they have read. Each time that they read three times, they will receive a stamp to celebrate their efforts building towards a reward of a bear, a book and a teddy bears picnic.



Reception have PE on a Friday.


On the days your child has PE, please send your child to school wearing their PE kit uniform. Most of these lessons will take place outside so please ensure that your child wears the appropriate clothing. 


Forest School

Autumn 1 - RHH 

Autumn 2 - RRD

Spring 1 - RLW

Spring 2 -  RHH

Summer 1 - RRD

Summer 2 - RLW


The children will need to bring a change of appropriate clothing in a named bag each week for Forest School.


If there is anything else you would like to discuss with your child’s class teacher they will be happy to make a telephone appointment with you. 


The children each have Seesaw accounts, which we use to inform you of the children’s learning.


To help you to keep informed throughout the year, this and further newsletters will be uploaded to the school website: 


All of the staff are looking forward to working with you and your children over the rest of the year. Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs Howell, Mrs Hickman, Miss Davies and Mrs Williamson



