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Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School

We plant the seeds and help them grow


Welcome to Pre-School


The Pre-School classes are based in modern, extremely well-resourced premises on Holman Street and are managed by the main school. Although a short distance from the main school the Pre-School classes are very much a part of the whole school community and mirror the ethos and high expectations of Haydon Abbey.


Admission criteria for Pre-School - children in receipt of 2 year old funding, the term following their second birthday, or if they don’t qualify for the 2 year old funding, the term following a child’s third birthday.


Some 3 year old children are eligible for the 30 hour Extended funding.  We now offer a limited number of places for children entitled to the Extended 30 hours funding.  For further details please read our Admissions Policy for Pre-School which can be found on the link below:


Admissions Policy for Pre-School Click here


We only offer five morning sessions or five afternoon sessions.  The session times are as follows:


Mornings:       8:45 am  - 11:45 pm

Afternoons:  12:30 pm  -   3:30 pm


In order to establish if you are eligible for the two year old funding please use the following link:


To establish if you are eligible for the Extended 30 hours funding please use the following link:


The children learn through structured play, investigation and exploration following the Early Years Curriculum set by the DfE. They are encouraged to participate in a wide range of activities.


In Pre-school the children are encouraged to explore the very large, and well equipped, indoor and outdoor areas of the setting and take part in small group activities. We call this ‘Busy Bee Time.’ All members of staff will work closely with and, play and learn, alongside all the children. Throughout the session we provide a “rolling snack” for the children, where we encourage them to prepare their own snacks and drinks.  We provide water, milk, toast, raisins and a variety of fruit.



At Haydon Abbey we operate a password system for the safety of our pupils. If someone other than the usual person is coming to collect your child you must give them your child’s password. It is also extremely important that you inform Pre-school if anyone else is due to collect your child. If an unfamiliar adult comes to collect your child we will request the password and if the adult cannot provide the password we will not allow them to take your child from Pre-school.


If you have any questions, please ask a member of staff.  


Should you like to visit the Pre-School site, please contact the school to arrange an appointment - 01296 482 278.


If you would like to apply for a place in Pre-School please complete the application form. Click here.

