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Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School

We plant the seeds and help them grow




At Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School we are proud to be an inclusive school that provides a high quality, creative and challenging education for all of our pupils.  Every child experiences a sense of enjoyment and achieves their full potential within a secure, caring and happy environment.



Our aim at Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School is to provide opportunities for children, particularly disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and / or disabilities (SEND), to develop as independent, confident and successful lifelong learners. Our children have high aspirations of themselves by developing their love of learning and are curious about the world they live in. We actively provide all children with a range of learning opportunities, trips and visits to enrich their life experiences.   


We are a child centred school with a philosophy of growth for all members of the school community. The school’s values are central to our curriculum and shape a culture within which all children are supported to thrive. Our six core values are cooperation, respect, honesty, well-being, kindness and resilience.


We ensure children are provided with a wide range of learning opportunities through a curriculum which is designed to be ambitious, rich, engaging and experiential to meet the needs of all children no matter their starting points. Children’s knowledge, skills and concepts are clearly developed in an age-appropriate and progressive way from EYFS to Year 6, in all subjects, so that their understanding is extended and built upon with a clearly defined end point.


Our school ethos is to develop children in a holistic way prioritising mental well-being and physical health so all children are equipped with the necessary life skills to thrive in all areas of their lives. 


The curriculum accounts for any delays or gaps in learning.



Our curriculum is well designed to build upon prior learning. We use the National Curriculum as a starting point for all subjects, to ensure coverage and progression across all year groups. Teachers demonstrate expert knowledge of the subjects they teach and are supported to address gaps in their knowledge through a culture of coaching, mentoring and continuous professional development.


All teachers have a clear understanding of the Intent, Implementation and Impact of all subjects they teach through clear objectives which details the progression of skills and knowledge from EYFS to Year 6.


Through purposeful and consistent long and medium-term planning, all subjects meet the needs of all children, particularly disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND, so they can engage and progress in their learning. Teachers provide rich experiences so learning is contextualised and meaningful. Learning takes place in a well resourced and creative learning environment.


Teachers deliver the curriculum in a systematic and structured way so that all lessons are consistent so children are secure and therefore able to take risks within their learning. Quality First Teaching strategies are evident in all lessons across the curriculum to enable children to transfer key knowledge to long-term memory. Ongoing assessment is used to check children’s understanding, to inform teaching and to help learners embed key concepts.


Reading, Writing and Maths skills are taught daily through discrete lessons and through the wider curriculum. Foundation subjects are given equal importance as we recognise that children will engage and learn from all subjects. We have specialist leaders in Music, Computing and Forest School who deliver excellent lessons and clubs.


Throughout our curriculum we weave in state-of-the-art technology to enhance learning outcomes. We actively prepare the children for life in the modern world where competence in IT is essential.



Our children are excited to come to school each day and engage with the learning opportunities provided to acquire the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.


Children at Haydon Abbey continue to enjoy learning so they are curious and inquisitive about the world around them. All children make progress; they know more, remember more and are able to do more. Our curriculum provides them with the skills they need to continue to explore and understand their potential impact on society.


Children have high expectations of themselves and produce work of high quality which they are proud of. All children achieve well.


Our core values ensure that children are very tolerant and accepting of difference and diversity; this enables them to succeed in today’s society as positive global citizens.


Children are very well prepared for the next stage in their education at each transition point allowing their progress to be sustained throughout their time at Haydon Abbey and beyond.


