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Assessment at Haydon Abbey
We believe that assessment is at the heart of effective teaching and learning. Assessment is used as a tool to inform planning and teaching with the aim of raising standards. In our assessment procedures we recognise the individuality of all children, taking a positive view and recognising that praise and success are great motivators in the learning process.
How we assess at Haydon Abbey:
Early Years Assessment
Within 6 weeks of each child starting school they will be given a ‘baseline’ assessment. We wait until the children are showing high levels of involvement and wellbeing before assessing them. Once the children have settled into the Pre-School, or Reception we will use our professional judgement to assess the children against the Development Matters guidance framework. We observe the children within their play and have discussions with them to gain the information to make the relevant judgements.
As the year progresses children are monitored on their development and progress in all areas of learning. Examples of children’s learning, showing their individual level and stage of development are built up throughout the year. Provision is made for these observations and assessments through experience and play.
Parents should be involved in the assessment process on a regular, on-going basis and be encouraged to participate in their child’s learning and development. Reception and Preschool parents are included in their child’s Learning Journey using ‘SeeSaw’, where ‘Wow’ moments are recorded by both teachers and parents.
We have two formal Parents Evenings; one in the Autumn Term and one in the Spring Term and interim reports shared at both. Annual school reports are given out at the end of the year and parents have the opportunity to discuss them with the teachers. After parents have received their children’s end of year reports in July there is an option to meet with class teachers, should they wish to do so.
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Assessment
We track and use data on a system called ‘Hello Data’. Children are assessed according to the year group and curriculum they are accessing and how well they are demonstrating the skills within the curriculum.
In line with the new curriculum, we assess over time. This means we assess the children over the year to see what skills have been consolidated and the children can do either with or without support.
Children’s attainment is assessed by selecting one of four descriptors.
BLW = Anyone working significantly below the curriculum in which they are in. These children may have been identified as having SEN and will be placed on the school’s SEN register for ‘Cognition and Learning’.
Even with heavy adaptation and or adult support these children may struggle to access the work. Teachers have to look at curriculums below to create work which is accessible.
WTS = Anyone working below or working towards the expected standard within the year group curriculum in which they are in.
Developing onto the curriculum and with adaptation and scaffolding can access the work. Showing the skills taught some of the time but not consistent.
EXS = Anyone working at the expected standard for the curriculum in which they are in. Previously this was referred to as Age Related (ARE) or Working At (WA)
Working within the curriculum and showing the skills taught most of the time. Still can rely on differentiation.
GDS = Anyone working above the expected standard for the curriculum in which they are in.
Types of Assessment
This is the on-going, day-to-day assessment which is carried out by teachers and is key to effective classroom practice. Learning outcomes are shared with pupils and they play an important role in the self-assessment of their own learning. Formative assessment is used by teachers to inform planning, resources and support in order for all children to progress. During lessons teachers will constantly be assessing the children’s learning through AfL (assessment for learning). This will be through questioning, conversations, demonstrations, modelling, mini plenaries, self and peer assessing and feedback given after the lesson in children’s books. In Early Years AfL will be gathered similarly but also through the children’s play and the observations the teachers do when the children are interacting with each other within the setting. The teachers will also moderate the children’s work against national standards in moderation meetings in school and with other professionals from county and schools we network with. This moderation gives the teachers clear areas in which the children need to develop further in order to progress. Along with the daily AfL, this gives teachers enough evidence to be able to make a ‘teacher assessment’ against the curriculum the children are working within.
At various points through the year the children are assessed periodically and progress and attainment data are recorded and reported to the (DfE) Department for Education. This happens in Reception with the Baseline Testing, Year 1 Phonics Screening, Year 4 multiplication check and the end of KS2 SATs.
Please note that the 11+ test is NOT a test or assessment indicator the school use, teach towards or have any control over other than administering the tests.
At Haydon Abbey we also use tests and teacher assessments which we record on our tracking system – Hello Data. Test materials are used to support teachers with making accurate teacher assessment judgements. These assessments are carried out towards the end of every term (three times per year) and are used to monitor the performance of individuals, groups and cohorts as well as identifying gaps and next steps for planning.
Resources for Parents about Primary Assessments (Years 2 & 6)