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The governing body is a group of people who have a shared interest in supporting Haydon Abbey School and ensuring that its pupils and staff flourish and are successful. Our governors come from various walks of life, including parents and staff as well as others from the local community.
The governing body is comprised off: elected parent governors, staff governors, co-opted governors (who live or work in our local community and are invited to join the governing body based on their skills. They can be a parent of a pupil attending the school) and a local education appointed governor. We also have associate governors who do not vote but attend meetings and contribute specifically on issues relates to their area of expertise.
Please see link below for our current Governing Body.
Our main purpose is to help raise the educational standards and performance of Haydon Abbey School and Pre School by challenging and supporting the work of the head teacher and school staff. We ensure that the school runs effectively, that quality teaching and learning is happening across the school, that the budget is spent wisely and that Haydon Abbey provides good value for money.
The governing body’s role is a strategic one, as opposed to the day to day management of the school which is the responsibility of the headteacher, Miss Ferdinand. We govern rather than manage, giving direction and focus.
The governors of the school are collectively responsible for:
So we are responsible, in consultation with Miss Ferdinand, for the curriculum pupils receive, the standards of teaching, pupil’s progress, pupil’s health and well-being, and the appointment of staff. We are also responsible for managing the school’s budget to achieve all of the above; with sufficient resources for teaching and learning, in buildings which are suitable and well maintained.
In order that information is shared with governors in a productive and efficient way all members of the governing body attend all meetings. The meetings are :
Meeting 1: Full Governing Body combined with resources including finance health and safety, matters relating to pupil, pay and personnel.
Meeting 2: Full Governing Body combined with teaching and learning (including curriculum, assessment and pupil progress).
Both of these meetings occur each term.
At the meetings we look at all the new topics which the Government and local authority put forward for consideration. Items for discussion include polices and practice , staff employment, teaching and learning, behaviour, safeguarding, health and safety and the budget etc
The governing body employs a knowledgeable and experienced clerk who supports the effective operation of the governing body.
Minutes of all of the meetings are a matter of public record copies of which can be obtained from the school office.
As well as attending meetings, governors are able to visit school at any time. Governors are invited into school the Thursday before each school break for a focused visit. They will meet with a member of the Senior Leading Team to discuss an aspect of school life. For example, a curriculum area, new initiative or a topic of their choice. They also have the opportunity to talk to staff and children and see how policies are being implemented. These visits also ensure that governors have a view of the day to day life of the school and don’t have to rely on information they are given in meetings.
The governing board employs a knowledgeable and experienced clerk through the Buckinghamshire Learning Trust who supports the effective operation of the governing board and its committees.
Minutes of the meetings are a matter of public record and copies of which can be inspected at the school office.
As well as attending meetings, most governors visit the school regularly through “link” visits, where they focus on the subject for which they are a link between the school and governing body. The link areas change as they are driven by the schools strategic plan and priorities. Governors see the curriculum being taught, learn how policies are being implemented and speak to a range of staff and pupils.
If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a school governor please contact them by emailing - governors @haydonabbey.bucks.sch.uk.
Daniel Mace
Chair of Governors
Governor Roles & Responsibilities 2024-2025
Name | Role/Committee | Responsibilities | Date of Appt | Attendance to be added at end of year
| End of Office / Step Down |
Daniel Mace Co-opted | Chair Half Termly FGB
| SMSC | 02/03/2015 |
| |
Ashleigh Ferdinand | Headteacher Half Termly FGB
| 01/09/2023 |
| |
Hannah Jones | Deputy Headteacher Half Termly FGB
| Development | 01/09/2022 |
| |
Zhenya Price Co-opted
| Half Termly FGB
| Safeguarding & SEND | 15/06/2016 |
| |
Tom Elliott Parent
| Half Termly FGM | Wellbeing & Early Years | 08/12/2021 |
| |
Kate Newton Parent
| Half Termly FGB
| Vicechair Health & Safety | 08/12/2021 |
| |
Laura Taylor Parent | Half Termly FGB
| Data Protection | 08/12/2021 |
| |
Sunil Maharjan Co-opted | Half Termly FGB | 10/12/2024 | |||
Ghanashyam Dahal Co-opted | Half Termly FGB | 10/12/2024 |
Governor Roles & Responsibilities 2023-2024
Name | Role/Committee | Responsibilities | Date of Appt | Attendance to be added at end of year
| End of Office / Step Down |
Daniel Mace Co-opted | Chair Half Termly FGB
| SMSC | 02/03/2015 | 6/8 | |
Ashleigh Ferdinand | Headteacher Half Termly FGB
| 01/09/2023 | 8/8 | |
Hannah Jones | Deputy Headteacher Half Termly FGB
| Development | 01/09/2022 | 7/8 | |
Emma Bradley | Half Termly FGB
| Vicechair Curriculum | 09/03/2016 | 1/1 | October 2024 |
Zhenya Price Co-opted
| Half Termly FGB
| Safeguarding & SEND | 15/06/2016 | 8/8 | |
Steven Partridge Co-Opted
| Half Termly FGB
| Pupil Premium | 08/12/2021 | 6/8 | October 2024 |
Tom Elliott Parent
| Half Termly FGM | Wellbeing & Early Years | 08/12/2021 | 8/8 | |
Kate Newton Parent
| Half Termly FGB
| Vicechair Health & Safety | 08/12/2021 | 7/8 | |
Laura Taylor Parent | Half Termly FGB
| Data Protection | 08/12/2021 | 6/8 | |
Joe Burns Parent | Half Termly FGB | 21/03/2023 | 2/8 | October 2024 | |