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Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School

We plant the seeds and help them grow

PE Days

Children are to come dressed in their school PE Uniform on their PE days - they will remain in these clothes all day

All lessons will be held outside

Please make sure your child is appropriately dressed for the weather

As from 5 September 2024

Reception - Monday

Year 1 - Monday & Tuesday

Year 2 - Wednesday & Friday

Year 3 - Wednesday & Thursday

Year 4 - Monday & Wednesday

4SH Swimming lessons will take place on a Monday afternoon during the Autumn Term starting Monday 16 Sept

  Everyone else in Y4 will do PE on a Monday afternoon and will have their lessons during Spring & Summer Term.

Children need their swim wear, towel and swimming hat for each of their swimming lessons

Year 5 - Tuesday & Thursday

Year 6 - Wednesday & Friday



Pale blue t-shirt (school logo)
Black or navy blue shorts

Navy sweatshirt (school logo or plain)

Navy joggers
Trainers – essential (for outdoor PE)
Plimsolls – optional (for some indoor PE)
Dark, plain tracksuit (optional)

PE bag


Jewellery is not allowed with the exception of one pair of stud earrings but these must be removed for PE and swimming. In Key Stage 2, watches are permitted.  Any items which fall outside the category of everyday school use should NOT be brought into school, if you are in any doubt please ask.


All clothing must be named
