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Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School

We plant the seeds and help them grow

Year 6

Introducing the Year 6 Team:


  • Miss Haynes – Class Teacher and Phase Leader
  • Ms Anderson – Learning Support Assistant
  • Ms Naughton – Cover Supervisor


  • Miss Ayers – Class Teacher
  • Miss Tahir – Learning Support Assistant
  • Mr Andrews – Learning Support Assistant and PE Lead


The children will begin their first half term of Year 6 with a Geography topic, investigating the question ‘Where does energy come from?’. Drawing on their knowledge from previous Science lessons and P.S.H.E work, they will explore the benefits and drawbacks of renewable and non-renewable energy sources, using grid references to contrast examples in the USA and Great Britain. In Autumn 2, we will focus on our first history unit: World War Two. The children will primarily explore the impact of this global conflict on the people of Britain, investigating the causes and consequences of the war alongside evacuation and the role of women. We will also explore photography in Art lessons before progressing onto our textiles unit: designing, sewing and evaluating waistcoats.


In the first half term, both our Reading and Writing lessons will centre around our discussion and analysis of ‘Malamander’ by Thomas Taylor. We will read a new chapter of this text each day, creating opportunities to learn the meaning of new, powerful vocabulary and the actions, motives and behaviours of our characters. We will use the VIPERS acronym to support our comprehension whilst also writing our own spooky settings, letters of application, legends and non-chronological reports using modelled examples to guide and develop both linguistic and grammatical skills. We will focus on the incredible ‘When the Sky Falls’ by Phil Earle in Autumn 2.


Children will continue to consolidate and develop their sense of number, calculation and problem solving in Mathematics lessons. We will begin with place value and the four operations in the first half term before revisiting fractions and introducing algebra. Rapid calculation and times tables continue be a priority for all. Children will have the opportunity to test their knowledge in weekly Times Table Rockstar sessions each Friday; regular use of Times Table Rockstars at home will also support with this.


In Science we will be begin by exploring classification, discovering the work of Carl Linnaeus and looking at the characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates. We will then move onto the investigation of light. The children will develop their understanding of how we see and apply this knowledge to the development of the periscope. They will also design and undertake their own experiments to develop their understanding of shadows.


Reading will remain to be a significant focus this year and we will have a dedicated reading lesson each day. We encourage the children to read for pleasure and adults will share their love of reading by reading the class text each day: this is ‘Pig-Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman in the Autumn Term. Additionally, Year 6 will continue to bring home their reading book each day and will also continue to visit the library once a week and have the opportunity to loan a book of their choosing.



As we strive to foster a passion for reading, the children are expected to read at home each day. We ask that an adult listens to their child read as regularly as possible and records and signs their child’s reading in their Reading Record so that they can continue to progress through the Reading Galaxy, earning their badges. Children are expected to bring in their reading book each day.


Once settled into the new term, each child will be issued with a homework book. Children will be expected to complete one task per week, as instructed by your child’s class teacher, bringing in their completed homework each Wednesday.


Your child also has access to Times Table Rockstars and they will be expected to practice weekly spellings in preparation for a test in class.  



Year 6 will have PE on Wednesdays and Fridays.


Children should come into school in their PE uniform on their PE days:

    • Pale blue t-shirt (school logo
    • Black or navy blue shorts
    • Navy sweatshirt (school logo or plain)
    • Navy joggers
    • Socks
    • Trainers – essential (for outdoor PE)
    • Plimsolls – optional (for some indoor PE)
    • Dark, plain tracksuit (optional)



Year 6 is an important transition year and we aim to best prepare each child for the new demands of Secondary School. Therefore, your child will be expected to take increasing ownership of their own equipment and belongings.


Each day it is expected that your child will bring:

1) Their reading book and reading record

2) A named water bottle

3) Homework and spelling logs (as required)

4) A named pencil case


Within their pencil case, your child will need:

1) Several blue biros

2) Several HB pencils

3) A rubber

4) A sharpener

5) A ruler with mm and cm

6) Colouring pencils

7) A glue stick


If you have any further questions, please contact the school office who will be able to help or arrange a time for you to speak to your child’s teacher.


Thank you for your support.


Miss Haynes and Miss Ayers


