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Introducing the Year 1 Team:
Miss Doyle - Class Teacher (Years 1 & 2 Phase Leader)
Miss Turner - Learning Support Assistant
Miss Pearce - Class Teacher
Miss Zoubair - Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Mackland - Class Teacher
Mrs Firby - Senior Learning Support Assistant
Miss Fletcher - Learning Support Assistant
At the start of the Term the children will be completing a variety of Maths and English activities, with lots of practical activities. These activities will provide lots of opportunities for the children to learn and consolidate new skills being taught within the lessons.
In English lessons the children will be completing dough disco and fine motor skills activities. The first few weeks will also focus on letter formation, writing words and sentences. Towards the end of the first Half Term and throughout the year we will then be spending around two weeks on particular text types to build the children’s confidence with them. The children will learn a range of key skills for each text type, alongside story maps and shared writing opportunities before beginning to independently apply the skills they learn.
In Maths, the children will start the term by sorting and counting objects, recognising numbers as words and finding 1 more and 1 less. The children will then begin to look at addition and subtraction – with a focus on writing number sentences, finding fact families and number bonds within 10.
This Half Term Year 1’s first Science topic is called ‘Seasonal changes’ In this topic the children are going to learn more the four seasons and what the weather is like in each season.
This Half Term Year 1’s first Geography topic is called ‘What is it like here?’ In this topic the children are going to learn more about the UK and using maps to locate Aylesbury. The children will look at aerial photographs and begin to use and apply directional language.
Reading will remain to be a significant focus this year and the children will have daily Phonics lessons and will take part in three Reading Squad sessions a week.
The children are going to be given one book to read a week. They should read this book two to three times to build their fluency and comprehension of each text that they read. Please can Reading Diaries be signed 3 times a week.
You will also be able to find a homework grid on our website, which outlines six homework suggestions, in line with what we are learning about at school. The homework is optional; however, is a great way for you to get involved in your child’s learning and to complete them together, as a family. We would also love to see photos of you completing your efforts; these photos can be emailed into the school office.
Year 1 will have PE on Mondays and Tuesdays. Please send the children to school on both these days in their PE kits.
Children should come into school in their PE uniform on their PE days:
All of the staff in Year 1 are looking forward to working with you and your children over the next year.
Miss Doyle, Miss Pearce and Miss Mackland