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Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School

We plant the seeds and help them grow

Our Curriculum

Early Years Curriculum at Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School


At Haydon Abbey we have three year groups within our Early Years provision; Pre-School classes for our 2 and 3 year olds, Nursery Class for our Rising 4 year olds and Reception Classes for our rising 5 year olds. All year groups follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS). We plan activities and enhance our provision using the seven areas of learning. With our youngest children we concentrate, but do not limit, the learning around the 3 Prime Areas of learning.


Prime Areas

Communication and Language

Physical Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development


Specific Areas



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design


Underpinning the EYFS curriculum are The Characteristics of Effective Learning. These areas are a key element in the EYFS. They detail the ways in which children should be learning from their environment, experiences and activities. Children up to the age of five should all be displaying the characteristics of effective learning every day. These characteristics are:-


  • Playing and Exploring
  • Creating and Thinking Critically
  • Active Learning


Our Early Years provision is designed to enhance and encourage the children to be independent learners, all equipment is resourced for the appropriate year group and accessible for all the children. We Plan topics around the children’s interest, these topics change frequently and every week the children take home a ‘Home Links’ sheet, that contains ideas for the children to try at home with their parents/carers.
