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Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School

We plant the seeds and help them grow

Year 5

Introducing the Year 5 Team:


  • Miss Elwin – Class Teacher
  • Miss Javed – Learning Support Assistant


  • Mrs Miller – Class Teacher
  • Miss Garbutt – Senior Learning Support Assistant 


Year 5 will have P.E on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Children should come into school in their P.E uniform on their P.E days:

    • Pale blue t-shirt (school logo)
    • Black or navy blue shorts
    • Navy sweatshirt (school logo or plain)
    • Navy joggers
    • Socks
    • Trainers – essential (for outdoor PE)
    • Plimsolls – optional (for some indoor PE)
    • Dark, plain tracksuit (optional)



Year 5 is an important transition year and we aim to best prepare each child for the increased demands of Year 6. Therefore, your child will be expected to take increasing ownership of their own equipment and belongings.


Each day it is expected that your child will bring:

1) Their reading book and reading record

2) A named water bottle

3) Homework and spelling logs (as required)


Thank you for your continued support.


Miss Elwin and Mrs Miller


