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Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School

We plant the seeds and help them grow

After School Clubs


Clubs to start - Tuesday 14 January

Please note that there will be NO CLUBS week commencing 17 February (Half Term)

Clubs will continue immediately after half term and run until Thursday 20 March 2025


Please note that as from January 2024 we will be charging a £5.00 administration fee invoice, payable via your ParentPay account for those cancelling clubs once started as well as those who miss 2 consecutive weeks. We ask that you speak with your child(ren) and make sure that before signing them up to a club, that it is one that they want to participate in.



Yrs 1 & 2 Colouring

Yrs 4, 5 & 6 Gymnastics

Yrs 5 & 6 Dodgeball

Young Carers (Invite only)

Yrs 2, 3 & 4 Arts & Craft

Yrs 1-6 Sign Songs

Yrs 1-6 Just Dance

Yrs 4, 5 & 6 Explore Your Voice

Yrs 4, 5 & 6 Netball (Invite only)

Yrs 3 & 4 Draw with Rob

Yrs 4, 5 & 6 Girls Football

Yrs 5 & 6 Boys Football


Please note that the school library will be open on a

Wednesday after school for parents/carers to come with their children NO need to book - just pop in (Use Year 1 Gate)

Please book your child(ren's) place via Schoolcloud ( the same system you use to book Parents Consultation appointments through as well as Assembly/Performance tickets through.


We ask you to click on the link below and fill in the login information as prompted on the screen then press Login.


Click here to book your After School Clubs  


Click on Clubs & Events, After School Clubs - Spring Term Clubs 2025 - this will show you your child(ren) and the clubs that are available for their year group. You will receive an email direct from Schoolcloud confirming your selections. If booking via your phone, make sure you scroll down far enough to confirm your selection.


When you see an INVITE ONLY club on your list, we ask that you make this a priority as teachers have identified your child(ren) to attend.


We ask that you only book a maximum of 2 clubs (unless your child(ren) have been invited to a club, then they can sign up for 3 clubs)


Clubs will be open for booking from 10 December and Close on Tuesday 7 January - an email will be sent once the Spring Term clubs have been set up

If your child/children are unable to attend any particular session - please let the office staff know in order for registers to be updated.   
