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Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School

We plant the seeds and help them grow

Year 1

Year 1 Homework Grid - Autumn Term 2023

Art/DT Family Challenge

History and Geography


Our history topic is ‘Family Tree’. We will be finding out all about what family trees for historical figures.


Your family challenge is to make a family tree – can you draw potraits for each person in the family tree.


Please take a picture of these or bring them into school to share with the class.   



Our history topic is ‘Family Tree’. We will be finding out all about what family trees for historical figures.


Can you research a family tree for a historical figure or inspiring person? (For example, David Attenborough or Buzz Aldrin).


(Take photos of your drawings and email these to the office or bring them in to be shared with your class.)




In our English lessons we will be looking at narrative stories with a focus on the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ for the first four weeks.


Can you draw some pictures from this story in the right order?


Can you do your own story like this one, for example ‘We are Going on a Bug Hunt’.


(Take photos of your drawings and email these to the office to be shared with your class or bring your stories in to share.)






The school value we are focusing on this Half Term is kindness. 


Can you make a poster about kindness?

In maths this Half Term we are going to be focusing on number.


Can you practise counting and writing your numbers forwards and backwards using pencils, pens, chalk or anything else?


When you go outside, can you spot any numbers anywhere?





This Half Term we will be learning about materials.


When you are walking around, can you spot any materials things are made from? (Wood, plastic, brick etc.)


Look at some of the toys you can see at home or at school. What do you think they are made from?

