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Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School

We plant the seeds and help them grow

Year 5

Introducing the Year 5 Team:


  • Miss Perrott – Class Teacher
  • Miss Saghir – Learning Support Assistant
  • Miss Fletcher – Learning Support Assistant



  • Mrs Miller – Class Teacher
  • Miss Garbutt – Senior Learning Support Assistant
  • Miss Javed – Learning Support Assistant


Year 5 will study both Geography and History throughout the Summer Term. They will begin with a detailed exploration of desert regions, focusing on location and climate as well population and human experiences within the biome. After half term, the children will travel back in time and immerse themselves into Tudor society. Learning will primarily focus on the life of the infamous Henry VIII and the reasons he wanted so many wives. Children will develop their understanding by inferring information from a range of primary and secondary source material before considering the impact of the Royal Progress in the time of Elizabeth I and the lifestyle of the many during the Tudor period.  


In our English lessons, we will continue to follow the Talk for Writing process. We will explore a range of model texts, imitating and developing linguistic skills before innovating and applying our new skills independently. Grammar, spelling and sentence construction will continue to be a priority, with a focus on the accurate use of punctuation, powerful vocabulary and varied sentence formation. We will continue to write for a range of audiences and purposes, writing narratives in the style of myths and legends before moving onto the study of poetry.


Children will continue to consolidate and develop their sense of number, calculation and problem solving in Mathematics lessons. We will begin with a detailed exploration of 2D and 3D shapes and how to calculate unknown angles before returning to number and deepening our understanding of decimals, calculating with digits beyond the decimal point. This will continue into Summer 2 before progressing onto negative numbers, conversion of measure and volume. Times tables and mental calculation are essential to every area of the Maths curriculum and children will use Times Table Rockstars weekly to improve their rapid recall out of context. Regular use of Times Table Rockstars at home will support with this.


In Science we will begin by investigating forces and space, working scientifically throughout to develop our understanding of gravity, air resistance and friction. We will also describe the effects of pulleys and levers. After half term, we will briefly look at human timelines before drawing together our knowledge from the year and make connections to solve a scientific enquiry.    


Reading will continue to be a significant focus this year. Children will continue to explore a range of complex and engaging texts in reading lessons daily, developing comprehensions skills through verbal and written responses. We encourage the children to read for pleasure and adults will share their love of reading by sharing the class text each day. Additionally, Year 5 will continue to bring home a reading book each night and will also continue to visit the library once a week and have the opportunity to loan a book of their choosing.



We aim to foster a passion for reading and the children are expected to read every day. We ask that an adult listens to their child read as regularly as possible and records and signs their child’s reading in their Reading Record. A reading stamp will be recorded in their reading record after every three entries and, after 10 stamps, your child’s amazing success will be awarded with their next reading badge.


Along with this, your child will continue to complete set work in their Homework book, linked to their learning within the classroom. Children will be expected to complete one task per week, as instructed by your child’s class teacher, bringing in their completed homework each Wednesday.


Your child also has access to Times Table Rockstars and Emile (spelling website) logins to use and refine their understanding at home.



Year 5 will have P.E on Mondays and Fridays.


Indoor P.E: Monday

Outdoor P.E: Friday


Children should come into school in their P.E uniform on their P.E days:

    • Pale blue t-shirt (school logo
    • Black or navy blue shorts
    • Navy sweatshirt (school logo or plain)
    • Navy joggers
    • Socks
    • Trainers – essential (for outdoor PE)
    • Plimsolls – optional (for some indoor PE)
    • Dark, plain tracksuit (optional)


Forest School

5CP will have Forest School in Summer 2. A separate letter will be sent nearer the time with more specific details.


The children will need to bring a change of appropriate clothing in a named bag each week for Forest School. This must be weather appropriate clothing that can get dirty and must contain a long sleeved top and full-length trousers.


If you have any further questions, please contact the school office who will be able to help or arrange a time for you to speak to your child’s teacher.


Thank you for your continued support.


Miss Perrott and Mrs Miller


Introducing the Year 5 Team:


  • Miss Perrott – Class Teacher
  • Miss Saghir – Learning Support Assistant
  • Miss Fletcher – Learning Support Assistant


  • Mrs Miller – Class Teacher
  • Miss Garbutt – Senior Learning Support Assistant
  • Miss Javed – Learning Support Assistant


Throughout Spring Term, Year 5 will explore different geographical regions: the Alps and the Ocean. They will begin by exploring the Alphine region, using Atlases and maps to locate and explore the human and physical features. Children will then consider their own local area and draw comparisons to the mountain range. After half term, the children will broaden their research to the wider world, considering the impact of humans on ocean health. 


In our English lessons, we will continue to follow the Talk for Writing process. We will explore a range of model texts, imitating and developing linguistic skills before innovating and applying our new skills independently. Grammar, spelling and sentence construction will continue to be a priority, with a focus on the accurate use of punctuation, powerful vocabulary and varied sentence formation. We will continue to write for a range of audiences and purposes, ‘Writing to Inform’ and ‘Writing to Persuade’ in the Spring Term.


Children will continue to consolidate and develop their sense of number, calculation and problem solving in Mathematics lessons. We will begin by revisiting place value before recapping and extending knowledge of the four written methods. Later in the term, we will develop our understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages before applying multiplication and division to the calculation of area and perimeter. Times tables and mental calculation are essential to every area of the Maths curriculum and children will use Times Table Rockstars weekly to improve their rapid recall out of context. Regular use of Times Table Rockstars at home will support with this.


In Science we will return to our exploration of Materials. We will continue to work scientifically to investigate the process of evaporation before testing the conductivity and transparency of different materials. After half term, we will move onto a Biology unit, investigating life cycles in our Living Things topic.    


Reading will continue to be a significant focus this year. Children will continue to explore a range of complex and engaging texts in reading lessons daily, developing comprehensions skills through verbal and written responses. We encourage the children to read for pleasure and adults will share their love of reading by sharing the class text each day. Additionally, Year 5 will continue to bring home a reading book each night and will also continue to visit the library once a week and have the opportunity to loan a book of their choosing.



We aim to foster a passion for reading and the children are expected to read every day. We ask that an adult listens to their child read as regularly as possible and records and signs their child’s reading in their Reading Record. A reading stamp will be recorded in their reading record after every three entries and, after 10 stamps, your child’s amazing success will be awarded with their next reading badge.


Along with this, your child will also be issued with a Homework Workbook in the Spring Term. This workbook contains a range of English and Maths activities linked to curriculum coverage in class. Children will be expected to complete one task per week, as instructed by your child’s class teacher, bringing in their completed homework by the agreed deadline.


Your child also has access to Times Table Rockstars and Emile (spelling website) logins to use and refine their understanding at home.



Year 5 will have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays.


Outdoor PE: Tuesday

Indoor PE: Friday


Children should come into school in their PE uniform on their PE days. The PE uniform is a Haydon Abbey PE t-shirt, a Haydon Abbey PE jumper and plain joggers. Your child will have an indoor and an outdoor session each week throughout the winter months so we kindly ask that they are dressed appropriately for the weather.


If you have any further questions, please contact the school office who will be able to help or arrange a time for you to speak to your child’s teacher.


Thank you for your continued support.


Miss Perrott and Mrs Miller

