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Haydon Abbey School and Pre-School

We plant the seeds and help them grow

Year 6

Introducing the Year 6 Team:


  • Miss Haynes – Class Teacher and Phase Leader
  • Ms Anderson – Learning Support Assistant
  • Mr Andrews – UT
  • Ms Naughton – Cover Supervisor
  • Mrs Lane – Learning Mentor



  • Miss Ayers – Class Teacher
  • Miss Tahir – Learning Support Assistant


During Summer 1, Year 6 will continue to prepare for the End of Key Stage 2 SATs Assessments, which will primarily take place w/b 13th May. In Maths lessons, the children will continue to develop and consolidate their understanding of mental and written arithmetic, focusing on all four operations, BODMAS and calculation with fractions, decimals and percentages, alongside revision and deepening of problem solving across a range of real life contexts. Times tables and mental calculation are essential to every area of the Maths curriculum and children will use Times Table Rockstars weekly to improve their rapid recall out of context. Regular use of Times Table Rockstars at home will support with this.


Reading will continue to be a significant. Children will continue to explore a range of complex and engaging texts in reading lessons daily, using the VIPERS acronym to develop different comprehension techniques. We encourage the children to read for pleasure and adults will share their love of reading by sharing the class text each day. Additionally, Year 6 will continue to bring home a reading book each night and will also continue to visit the library once a week and have the opportunity to loan a book of their choosing.


In our English lessons, we will continue to explore a wide range of text types, identifying specific features and stylistic techniques, which the children will then employ in their own writing for effect. We will begin the term with a focus on adventure stories before exploring the language of formal letter writing, character descriptions and non-chronological reports. Accurate sentence construction and use of advanced punctuation, including hyphens, dashes, colons and semi-colons, will remain a priority.


In Science we will be investigating health and the human circulatory system, describing how our heart transports blood around the body whilst also recognising the impact of exercise on pulse and fitness. After half term, we will bring all our learning together and make scientific connections from across the year. Transition to Secondary School will also be a focus of Summer 2, ensuring that all children feel prepared for the next stage of their learning journey. In Geography, the children will conduct their own fieldwork enquiries whilst our class PSHE and discussion lessons will provide opportunities for the children to ask questions and learn about the similarities and differences between primary and secondary education.



We aim to foster a passion for reading and the children are expected to read every day. We ask that an adult listens to their child read as regularly as possible and records and signs their child’s reading in their Reading Record. A reading stamp will be recorded in their reading record after every three entries and, after 10 stamps, your child’s amazing success will be awarded with their next reading badge.


Along with this, your child will continue to complete set work in their Homework book, linked to their learning within the classroom. Children will be expected to complete one task per week, as instructed by your child’s class teacher, bringing in their completed homework each Wednesday.


Your child also has access to Times Table Rockstars and Emile (spelling website) logins to use and refine their understanding at home.



Year 6 will have P.E on Wednesdays and Fridays.


Children should come into school in their P.E uniform on their P.E days:

    • Pale blue t-shirt (school logo
    • Black or navy blue shorts
    • Navy sweatshirt (school logo or plain)
    • Navy joggers
    • Socks
    • Trainers – essential (for outdoor PE)
    • Plimsolls – optional (for some indoor PE)
    • Dark, plain tracksuit (optional)


If you have any further questions, please contact the school office who will be able to help or arrange a time for you to speak to your child’s teacher.


Thank you for your continued support.


Miss Haynes and Miss Ayers
